All school procedures and policies are available on the SchoolDocs website. Go to and search for our school. Type the first few letters of the school's name in the box and select Anchorage Park School, then log in with the username and password. Our username is: anchoragepark and our password is: swan2010
Digital Citizenship and Cyber Safety
We acknowledge the importance of cyber safety and require all Internet use at school to be supervised. We teach our children to be good digital citizens, treating others with respect and keeping themselves safe in an online environment. Our guidelines are based on the NetSafe programme for schools, endorsed by the Ministry of Education.
Health & Safety (includes emergency procedures)
First aid and emergencies: we treat any minor first aid issues at school. In all other cases, our procedure is to contact the parent or emergency contact person so that further action can be taken as required. In emergencies, immediate action is taken. We are a Sun Smart school and require students to wear a sunhat in Terms 1 and 4. We also sit children in well-shaded areas to eat lunch during the summer terms.
Who reviews our policies and procedures?
- Reviews are open to all stakeholders, including board, staff, and the school community members (parents/caregivers/whānau).
- Any of the stakeholders can review any policy/procedure that has a red review flag.
The board is to review all policies. The board is responsible for board-level overarching policies. The table below shows which topics the board should review for the current term, to ensure that policies are reviewed at the required frequency. Note that other reviewers can review these topics too; they're not exclusively for the board.
The review process used by the board to facilitate policy reviews is shown below. The process runs monthly with the third week correlating with the week of the monthly Board of Trustees Meeting.